ChiLd'S BaNtEr #2: SaY WhAt??
SCENE: Dining table - dinner.
"S" won't eat her carrots and spinach and here I was, trying explain the importance of eating veggies. "S": Well, I eat fruits!
Me: That's great, sweetie... But that does'nt mean you don't have to eat vegetables anymore. They're full of vitamins. Carrots makes your eyes really sharp. And spinach...
"S": ...makes you strong. Just like Popeye!
Me: You could say that.
"S": (winces her nose on her plate) Hmmm... Mama, is Red Bean a vegetable?
Me: (nods head) YUP!
"S": (grins and pushes a bowl towards me) So, may I have some red bean ice cream pleeeeaase??
Me: NGEK!!
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