Steytsayd Ilongga

As the title implies, Angel was born in the Philippines and currently living in NYC. This Personal Journal contains random Recipes of my kitchen "experiments", Food-related events, Good Eats, and of course - lots of Photos. For Family-related posts, Travel notes, and other Miscellanous topics, drop by HTTP://STEYTSAYDILONGGALIWAT.BLOGSPOT.COM. Take a peek at my life... Hey, jump right in!

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Location: New York, New York City, United States

Catch up on some (mis)Adventures of a fun-loving gal who's making the most out of married life, being a mom, and living it up in the Big Apple.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I'm in First Grade!!

It was S' first day of school today. We were all excited for a lot of different reasons. Me - I'm getting a few hours all for myself again. P - he's running out of new places to take her. And S - obviously, she's getting tired of spending most of her time in the company of two old farts.

She also missed her classmates, friends, and playdates.
P and I were actually hoping that she would be in a bigger class this year.

Unfortunately, no such luck.
They were all of 5 students.

"Hey, where's the schoolbus?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was chino's first time to attend a real school...though it was just right beside my apt.! as in! i was on the brink of crying when i left him! hahahaha, there i was waiting for him to make a scene...and i was the one who almost did! but he did fine...i think he has adjusted fairly quick! good so i can go back to work on monday!:)

8:02 PM  
Blogger Angel said...

Hi ces - I guess we have to accept the fact that kids nowadays become independent at such young age - its we, oldies who have a hard time adjusting/coping. he he...

8:12 PM  

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