A Tragic Penguin's Tale

From the time that "P" took "S" to a 10-day skiing jaunt in the Austrian Alps, she had developed an affinity to penguins. It simply started when she joined the Ski Resort's Kinderclub which featured "Bobo" the penguin, as their official mascot.
When they came back to NYC, she strolled out of JFK airport sporting a penguin embroidered sweater (with a penguin pin attached to the collar) with matching penguin kangol knit cap - while carrying a penguin shoulder bag. I'm surprised she didn't de-plane wearing a penguin suit!
Oh, and she brought me a present - a stuffed penguin (of course).
Naturally, it was a no-brainer that I should get her a copy of the movie "March of the Penguins" when it was released in DVD. Besides, the movie reviews were great. As one movie critic, D. Thompson of the Washington Post puts it: it was a "delightful, wholesome experience for the whole family."
Well, I sure hope I get to meet this wiseguy soon...
...because I want my money back!!
My idea of having a little "family-bonding" while watching this movie was marred by the fact that I spent the next hour and a half trying to console 'S", as she was bawling her eyes out every few scenes!
Tears started flowing almost as soon as the movie started - she became upset when she saw one of the penguin's egg rolled off its mother's warm feet, into the -45 degree ice. The egg immediately froze and eventually, cracked open. One down...
And then as she was starting to calm down - well what do you know, a snow storm breaks out and another chick dies of hypothermia. She was especially heartbroken when she heard the mother penguin calling out to her stiff baby, poking it gently with her beak as if she was trying to rouse it. Two down...
Of course it didn't stop there. When the mothers went back to the sea to feed, the hungry seals were anxiously waiting. FIESTA time!! Another scene showed a predator snatching a female penguin as she happily frolicked in the water - killing it instantly. (Kids' interpretation: Mommy penguin dies and soon, baby chick was going to starve to death too!) Three and four down...
More tears...
To cap the movie off, Morgan Freeman narrated, in his clear, deep voice that when the penguins grow big enough to fend for themselves, they go on their separate ways and most of them will never ever see their parents again.
Cinematography: BRILLIANT!
Narration: RIVETING!
But for "S", only one word could appropriately describe this movie:
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