'Can't stay up the whole day with just 2 cups of coffee alone. 'Gotta have at least one can of Energy Drink at work.
One of the more popular ones is Red Bull but when I'm in a rush, I'd randomly grab any can that has the words "energy drink" stamped on it. On one such day - I was minding my own business, drinking from one of these cans when I noticed a co-worker looking at me in an amused way. Seeing one raised eyebrow, she pointed to the can that I was holding. As I examined it closely, I got kinda embarrassed to see that one of the ingredients prominently displayed on my energy drink was:
Upon further scrutiny, so were the words: "AROUSE",
and "STIMULATE". Duh, Angel... Thank goodness it was just all false advertisement! My lesson of the day: "Read All Labels Before Buying Anything!" BTW, in case you're curious to know which one actually works - contrary to the popular belief (Red Bull), it's the Extreme Energy Shot from the Arizona Bev. Co. It tastes a lot like stale sugar water, but that's another story.
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