Eight Years and Going Strong...
P and I celebrated our eight year wedding anniversary this month. Yes, we made it past the so-called "7-Year-Itch" period. I'm sure well make it past midlife crisis and work our way through our second childhood, too! If were lucky enough to make it to the Dementia/Altzheimers stage, then all the better. Every day, we'd meet up and fall in the love with each other all over again. Just like the first time. Notwithstanding hearing aids, dentures, walkers and adult incontinence briefs.
Awww ~ now I'm really getting carried away...
Flash back to the present. We couldn't have dinner out on our special day since baby Sam's too young to lug around in a fancy restaurant, so I opted to cook dinner for three.

S thought it was a neat idea to tell her friends that she was able to eat a "whole" chicken all by herself . As an added bonus, she got the four wishbones as well!
It came wrapped in Bordeaux red wrapping paper with a Biendermeier motif.

The history of the world~famous Original Sacher~Torte began in 1832, when the 16~year old apprentice cook Franz Sacher created this dessert at the court of Prince Metternich.
In the meantime, it has become the most famous torte in the world and the hand~written recipe is a "state secret" of the Hotel Sacher Wien. The hotel ~ opened in 1876 by Franz Sacher's son, Eduard ~ is an Austrian institution.
Sorry, I couldn't wait for neither. Yum!
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