Comfort Food

Stuffed Cabbage Filling --------------->
I still had a few unused Christmas tree-shaped foils left over from the Holidays and I really wasn't too keen about keeping them for another year. But instead of chucking the lot, S. and I decided to save two and use them for our first ever venture in Leche Flan making.
It was passable, to say the least. It didn't quite turn out as firm as I hoped it would - I think the fancy-schmanzy shape prevented me from securing the seal tightly so some of the steam went in. I was also too careful about not burning the caramel, thus I ended up having a batch of "anemic' looking flans instead. In fairness, after putting heaps of organic brown sugar on the top and broiling the pan for 3-4 minutes, it came out much more aesthetic to the eye and markedly improved its taste. I guess it wasn't a total loss after all.
As they say, "Practice Makes Perfect". I wrapped one of the pans to give to my neighbor - she had mentioned that she was a willing guinea pig to all the new recipes I make.
I'm hoping her cholesterol level's below 200.
you know, i was vegetating in front of the pc again today and did not even get the chance to eat, so ending up at your site at 18:00, i became so ravenous. they look sooooo yummy.. and the flan, actually heavenly!
Thanks MissP - I got the flan recipe from another blogsite (with the blogger's permission, of course)=). She had posted a pic of her flan which also made me salivate =P.
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