A really good place to get some authentic Mexican food was at Taco Taco - located between 89 & 90th Street, 2nd Avenue. The food was made to order and seasoned according to your taste - meaning we were halfway done with our sangria and Dos XX's, and had licked the plate of the freebie nachos and salsa clean long before
the appetizers arrived (mixed green salad for me and chunky chicken soup for P.). Don't come in here if you're starving, because you will be waiting a while...
"Where's the food, Mama?"
Some places serve complimentary guacamole with the nachos, but here you have to dole out an extra $8 bucks to have somebody prepare it with flourish at your table. Oh please - I'm not paying that much just to watch a guy slice up and mash an avocado. If he does it while simultaneously juggling the limes, onions, tomatoes, and the avocado pit - then I'll gladly pay up. What we did instead was to get a main course that comes with guacamole on the side. P. ordered the Chicken Burrito which he swears was very pleasing and tasty. I'm sorry but I don't see anything appetizing about something that has some semblance to a bloated pregnant leech. I blame the (remake) Kingkong movie for conjuring this image.
On the other hand, S. wasted no time in scarfing her huge Cheese Quesadilla (which was listed as an "appetizer"), although the pico de gallo remained largely untouched.
I had the flounder/shrimps dish which was wrapped in a banana leaf and steamed. It was served with yellow rice and red beans on the side. Obviously, I gave the dish justice.
To cap off dinner, we had S.'s favorite dessert: the delectable Flan
The food was definitely worth the wait.These are the looks of satisfied customers. "Burp". Oops...
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