The Flight
Our flight(with one stop-over) was at 6:45 AM, meaning that we were up by 3:00. Grabbed a cup of joe and shared a ham/egg croissant with S. at La Guardia airport before we boarded our plane. When we landed in Memphis, we had about an hour and a half to kill before our next flight so we decided to have a heavy brunch (the airlines served only chips and nuts). Well Surprise... Surprise... since Memphis was one hour behind NYC, the only thing we could get at the airport was - breakfast (again!!). Today, I had the longest breakfast I had ever had. And I don't really care if I never see another egg, muffin, biscuit, or bacon again.
Just when we thought that everything was going smoothly, something had to happen to screw things up. Forty five minutes before departure time, an airline employee made an announcement that they had overbooked the flight and were asking for 3 passengers to "voluntarily" give up their seats in exchange for a $300.00 flight voucher, free overnight hotel stay and a seat on the first flight out the next day. Hell, no. DO NOT LOOK AT ME!! Elvis-sightings are the farthest thing in my mind at that point. I wanted my BEACH, SAND and the feel of 98-degree heat scorching my skin! After a few tense minutes, we finally got our assigned seats. The airline nincompoops had made sure that the three of us were seated apart from each other. On different rows. On different aisles. 10 f#*k!*ng seats apart from each other!!! If the woman assigned to the seat next to S. did not agree to switch with me, it would have been one ugly scene. We settled down after a while and the plane left on schedule. The excitement started to build up as we flew farther and farther away from slush-covered, freezing NYC. A seemingly long two and a half hours later, we finally landed in CANCUN, MEXICO....
.... right smack in the middle of a raging thunderstorm!! (sigh*)

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