Visiting Oma and Opa

As the title implies, Angel was born in the Philippines and currently living in NYC. This Personal Journal contains random Recipes of my kitchen "experiments", Food-related events, Good Eats, and of course - lots of Photos. For Family-related posts, Travel notes, and other Miscellanous topics, drop by HTTP://STEYTSAYDILONGGALIWAT.BLOGSPOT.COM. Take a peek at my life... Hey, jump right in!
Catch up on some (mis)Adventures of a fun-loving gal who's making the most out of married life, being a mom, and living it up in the Big Apple.
The kids were treated to a story narrated by Driver Daniel from Thomas the Tank Engine, about how Thomas was able to succeed in getting his own line.
Pre-teens went gaga over all-girl group: HUCKAPOO.
Uber-popular group HI-5 also performed some of their songs.
Hi-5 cast member Kimmee Balmilero (in yellow shirt) is of Filipino descent.
For more about her, check out
We missed the performances of Rebecca Frezza & Big Truck and Teddy Geiger. The craving for Calamari and Fish & Chips was just too strong to ignore. Crunch. Crunch. Munch.